GLE Blog
Required personnel for site safety: rules & details
As an employer, you're required to make efforts to keep your employees safe. And that includes having the required personnel for site safety.
Air rights, zoning laws, and the skyscraper
Despite Manhattan’s incredible population density, much less of the borough’s skyline is dominated by high-rise buildings than one might expect.
Installing fences correctly in NYC
If you’re looking to put up a fence around your home or business, you’re in luck. In most cases, it doesn’t require approval.
Directive 14
Generally, applying for anything at the Department of Buildings is a big waiting game.
ADA and construction
Prior to 1990, a wheelchair-bound person would have been hard-pressed to access most public places. The ADA has helped.
Signs that your apartment may be illegal
Illegal apartments are extremely common in New York City, especially in the outer boroughs. Here’s what’s considered against the law.