GLE Blog
Fire escape violations and Local Law 11
Local Law 11 mandates inspections for the facades of buildings 7 stories or higher every 5 years to ensure the safety of pedestrians below.
Most common problems with Places of Assembly
Emergencies requiring quick exit from a building can quickly turn catastrophic when there are many people on the premises.
Vacate orders issued by the DOB
Vacate Orders are what they sound like–buildings they’re issued to must be completely vacated in the interest of public safety.
Potentially structurally compromised buildings
Potentially compromised buildings are buildings that meet any of the criteria discussed here.
The history of Local Law 11/98
Find out the story behind Local Law 11/98 and why it’s so important to New York City.
What is the Safe with a Repair and Maintenance Program (SWARMP)?
Under Local Law 11, the exterior facades of buildings six stories and taller must be inspected every five years. Get all of the details here.
What is the Environmental Control Board (ECB)?
The Environmental Control Board (ECB) is a judicial court that hears violations issued by other city agencies and issues verdicts.